Most people probably have a concept of what fashion, street or travel photography is, whereas “commercial” is such a broad word, that it’s hard to grasp an idea of it unless you work in the field, so let me briefly explain: Commercial photography is used to advertise a product or service, sometimes even people. It ranges from headshots to lifestyle photography, often emphasising happy vibes, big smiles, vibrant colours and more or less obvious product placement, with little distraction in the background. You’ll stumble across it on a daily bases, in form of billboards, magazine pages, product catalogs or online adverts, typically used in retail or wholesale.
Now, that things should be a little bit clearer, let me tell you about my own style: If you would have asked my photography-me ten years ago, I would have probably brushed off the idea of commercial and advertising: “Doesn’t that sound a little boring?”
Little did I know that this is what I’d be doing for a living just five years later, with a specialisation of pets, people and family. I’m grateful to be working across two studios on a daily basis, where I also get the chance to be a creative director and teach my team creative skills and drive them to winning awards: Commercial photography doesn't mean that all images look the same, nor that the images are only looked at for a fraction of the second. Yes, Commercial lives from big smiles and vibrant colours, but can also emerge from the contrast of black and white. Especially headshots can take on so many different forms if you allow yourself to push the boundaries a little further. Finding inspiration from great photographers like Platon or the whole industry of Red Bull photographers, it took me a little while to realise that this part actually gives you such great opportunities to tell stories, share laughter and build a repertoire of stupid jokes. And little did I know that my photography would decorate hundreds of homes in form of classic but also contemporary wall art pieces.